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Text File  |  2008-10-30  |  10KB  |  337 lines

  1. object AdvancedScanPropertiesForm: TAdvancedScanPropertiesForm
  2.   Left = 272
  3.   Top = 221
  4.   Width = 645
  5.   Height = 430
  6.   Caption = 'AdvancedScanPropertiesForm'
  7.   Color = clWhite
  8.   Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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  15.   OnCreate = FormCreate
  16.   OnDestroy = FormDestroy
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  19.   object pnMain: TPanel
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  29.       Left = 0
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  36.       TabOrder = 0
  37.       object lblWelcomeToDefrag: TAxLabel
  38.         Left = 32
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  40.         Width = 577
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  45.         AutoSize = False
  46.         Caption = 'Which categories would you like to scan?'
  47.         Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  48.         Font.Color = 10040064
  49.         Font.Height = -16
  50.         Font.Name = 'Verdana'
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  55.       object Image1: TImage
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  61.         Stretch = True
  62.       end
  63.       object Label2: TLabel
  64.         Left = 37
  65.         Top = 68
  66.         Width = 34
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  68.         Caption = 'Name'
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  70.         Layout = tlCenter
  71.       end
  72.       object AxLabel1: TAxLabel
  73.         Left = 320
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  80.         LabelType = ltLink
  81.         WordWrap = False
  82.         Transparent = True
  83.         Caption = 'Learn more about category risk types'
  84.         ShowAccelChar = True
  85.       end
  86.       object Image2: TImage
  87.         Left = 304
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  92.         Picture.Data = {<image001.TPNGObject>}
  93.       end
  94.       object pcText: TAxPageControl
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  104.           Caption = 'tsWelcome'
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  106.           PageControl = pcText
  107.           object pnWelcome: TAxBackgroundPanel
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  111.             Height = 252
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  116.             TabOrder = 0
  117.             DesignSize = (
  118.               313
  119.               252)
  120.             object Label1: TAxLabel
  121.               Left = 8
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  123.               Width = 280
  124.               Height = 16
  125.               WordWrap = False
  126.               Transparent = True
  127.               AutoSize = False
  128.               Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
  129.               Caption = '<b>Category Selection</b>'
  130.               ShowAccelChar = False
  131.             end
  132.             object AxLabel3: TAxLabel
  133.               Left = 8
  134.               Top = 30
  135.               Width = 280
  136.               Height = 156
  137.               WordWrap = True
  138.               Transparent = False
  139.               AutoSize = False
  140.               Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
  141.               Caption = 
  142.                 'Select one or more categories by clicking on the checkboxes. Rig' +
  143.                 'ht-click inside the list for additional options.<br><br>Select a' +
  144.                 'll categories for best results if you'#39're an experienced user and' +
  145.                 ' know about Windows Registry. Search only safe categories if you' +
  146.                 #39're novice user. '
  147.               ShowAccelChar = True
  148.             end
  149.           end
  150.         end
  151.         object tsMain: TAxTabSheet
  152.           Caption = 'tsMain'
  153.           TabVisible = True
  154.           PageControl = pcText
  155.           object pnlMain: TAxBackgroundPanel
  156.             Left = 0
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  158.             Width = 313
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  160.             Color = clWhite
  161.             Align = alClient
  162.             DoubleBuffered = True
  163.             ParentColor = False
  164.             TabOrder = 0
  165.             DesignSize = (
  166.               313
  167.               252)
  168.             object imgShield: TImage
  169.               Left = 8
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  172.               Height = 64
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  174.               Picture.Data = {<image002.TPNGObject>}
  175.             end
  176.             object lblRiskLevelDescription: TLabel
  177.               Left = 8
  178.               Top = 128
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  182.               AutoSize = False
  183.               Caption = 'This category is safe and can be selected by novice users.'
  184.               Color = clCream
  185.               ParentColor = False
  186.               Transparent = True
  187.               WordWrap = True
  188.             end
  189.             object lblRiskLevel: TAxLabel
  190.               Left = 8
  191.               Top = 100
  192.               Width = 297
  193.               Height = 16
  194.               WordWrap = False
  195.               Transparent = True
  196.               AutoSize = False
  197.               Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
  198.               Caption = 'Risk level: <b>safe</b>'
  199.               ShowAccelChar = True
  200.             end
  201.             object lblCategoryDescription: TLabel
  202.               Left = 8
  203.               Top = 30
  204.               Width = 299
  205.               Height = 66
  206.               Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
  207.               AutoSize = False
  208.               Caption = 
  209.                 'Select this category if you want the program to look for orphan ' +
  210.                 'file extentions that are associated with non-existent files.'
  211.               Color = clCream
  212.               ParentColor = False
  213.               Transparent = True
  214.               WordWrap = True
  215.             end
  216.             object lblCategoryName: TAxLabel
  217.               Left = 8
  218.               Top = 2
  219.               Width = 96
  220.               Height = 16
  221.               WordWrap = False
  222.               Transparent = True
  223.               Caption = '<b>File Extensions</b>'
  224.               ShowAccelChar = False
  225.             end
  226.           end
  227.         end
  228.       end
  229.       object lvCategories: TAxListView
  230.         Left = 32
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  232.         Width = 249
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  234.         HorzScrollBar.Visible = False
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  248.         Sections = <
  249.           item
  250.             Caption = 'Categories'
  251.             Items = <
  252.               item
  253.                 Caption = 'Classes'
  254.                 Checked = False
  255.                 ImageIndex = -1
  256.                 Tag = 0
  257.               end
  258.               item
  259.                 Caption = 'History'
  260.                 Checked = False
  261.                 ImageIndex = -1
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  264.               item
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  269.               end>
  270.             ImageIndex = -1
  271.           end>
  272.         BorderStyle = bsNone
  273.         OnSelectItem = lvCategoriesSelectItem
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  292.         OnMouseDown = lvCategoriesMouseDown
  293.       end
  294.     end
  295.   end
  296.   object PopupMenu: TPopupMenu
  297.     OnPopup = PopupMenuPopup
  298.     Left = 600
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  300.     object acnSelectAll1: TMenuItem
  301.       Action = acnSelectAll
  302.     end
  303.     object acnSelectAllSafe1: TMenuItem
  304.       Action = acnSelectSafeOnly
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  306.     object N2: TMenuItem
  307.       Caption = '-'
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  309.     object acnUnselectAll1: TMenuItem
  310.       Action = acnUnselectAll
  311.     end
  312.     object acnInvertSelection1: TMenuItem
  313.       Action = acnInvertSelection
  314.     end
  315.   end
  316.   object ActionList1: TActionList
  317.     Left = 568
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  319.     object acnSelectAll: TAction
  320.       Caption = 'Select All'
  321.       OnExecute = acnSelectAllExecute
  322.     end
  323.     object acnUnselectAll: TAction
  324.       Caption = 'Unselect All'
  325.       OnExecute = acnUnselectAllExecute
  326.     end
  327.     object acnInvertSelection: TAction
  328.       Caption = 'Invert Selection'
  329.       OnExecute = acnInvertSelectionExecute
  330.     end
  331.     object acnSelectSafeOnly: TAction
  332.       Caption = 'Select Safe Only'
  333.       OnExecute = acnSelectSafeOnlyExecute
  334.     end
  335.   end
  336. end